Working alongside PR agency Cohn&Wolfe, we pitched to produce high quality video content for the epipen that was designed to be easy to use and in turn, save lives.
Our proposal involved around our creative approach (video styling) and ensuring that we could spend as much time with the founders of the company and those who worked on the factory floor to ensure we captured the right story to tell to consumers across the U.S.
The focal primary audience was identified as Mums and when it came to the Pharmaceutical sector they where most vocal and active via Twitter with Facebook playing a close second. Knowing the social landscape also ensured that we produced the right type of content for each platform. The longer form video was housed on Facebook (and the Auvi-Q website). Bite-sized (short form) cut downs where created for twitter.
Due to NDA's, no creative work can be shown on this portfolio site (the work can only be shown direct in person upon request). 

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