Working with UK creative agency Mother, we developed a campaign for the Irish market focused on one specific day, St Stephens Day. KFC had launched the Chicken v Turkey Christmas season campaign and we wanted to create something uniquely Irish that still captured the essence of the wider campaign.
This led to a key date in the Christmas calendar, St Stephens Day (Boxing Day in England). A day that many European and Global brands neglect for the Irish market with copy lines and creative all based around the Boxing Day terminology, not that of St Stephens Day.
Utilising this key insight into the Irish market, the Turkey baiting platform developed by Mother, we created a very uniquely Irish one day campaign that put two chicken fingers up to Boxing Day.
We also leveraged Social channels to engage with our target audience, ensuring that users could see our hero video piece across Instagram Stories whilst publications such as helped to promote our UnBoxing day and drive to the YouTube channel.
We also leveraged Social channels to engage with our target audience, ensuring that users could see our hero video piece across Instagram Stories whilst publications such as helped to promote our UnBoxing day and drive to the YouTube channel.

Can see the full JOE article here