A Credit Union is a group of people, connected by a 'common bond' based on the area they live in, the occupation they work in, or the employer they work for, who save together and lend to each other at a fair and reasonable rate of interest. Credit unions offer members the chance to have control over their own finances by making their own savings work for them. Every credit union is owned by its members — the people who save with it and borrow from it.
With this in mind, building out creative that promotes the Credit Union is hugely challenging as each branch has it's own way of functioning and dealing with customers. That aside, Credit Union jumped on the opportunity to create a TV show that highlighted that they really where open to any type of loan.

We came up with a creative platform titled "We're Open to That". It captured a sense of warmth and was flexible for all branch sectors. Knowing audiences usually switch screens when watching TV, we established that social channels was the best when to engage via our creative platform. 

By having access to the early rough cuts and working closely with the TV network, we pulled out a key story each week to promote. This generated rich, contextual social content that reflected the TV episode in that given week. From here we built out a 10 second TV spot, further social static posts and digital takeovers to drive awareness across multiple touch points. 

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